How it Installation?
Installation instructions

Step 1 :
Remove the pressure connection pipe on the pipeline connected to the valve cover under the turbo charger pipe.After removing the blockage, unplug the end of the PCV hose from the connectorOne end of the PCV hose is bolted onto the resonator removal plate near the turbine inlet..
Step 2 :
Install the accompanying stopper plate to replace the PCV hose assembly, and use the original factory installation bolts to stabilize this plate. After tightening the bolts, be sure to place the wiring harness bracket under the lower bolt to ensure it is properly secured in the engine compartment.

Step 3 :
Prior to installing the new hose onto the valve cover's PCV fitting, ensure that you have slid the spring clamp onto the hose, positioning it a few inches back from the end. This will allow you to easily slide the hose onto the barbed fitting.
Step 4 :
Once the hose is securely attached to the fitting end, meticulously direct the hose to loop upwards, then over, and finally downwards towards the frame rail on the driver's side of the engine.

Step 5 :
1.Use the newly provided coolant hose and hose adapter to connect the two coolant ports previously connected to the EGR cooler. Secure the hose with the provided hose clamp.
2.Replace the manifold bolts with the provided vertical bolts.
Step 6 :
1.Install the bracket. The M10 bolt will be screwed into the support bolt. Secure the transmission dipstick to the bracket using 1/4-20 bolts, nuts, and washers.
2.The bracket will hold the coolant hose connector in place.