How it Installation?
Installation instructions

Step 1 :
1.Disconnect batteries.Remove the passenger side inner wheel cover to drain the engine coolant, and disconnect the lower radiator pipe by removing the metal clip.
2.Remove the intake pipe from the filter to the plastic turbine interface.Gently pry out three rubber washers and remove the bellows and filter.
Step 2 :
Install the new exhaust block O-plate using the factory gasketand provided bolts. Two M8 x 20hexagon head bolts will be screwedin from the back, and two M10 x 20hexagon head bolts will secure the bracket in place.

Step 3 :
1.Remove the plastic cover from the wiring harness and plug the wiring harness under the new inflation tube.
2.Install a new intake pipe. Slide the tube into the rubber tube and tighten the bent end with bolts.
Step 4 :
Transfer the pressure sensor from the raw material filling tube to the new filling tube. The installation bracket needs to be rotated 1800 on the sensor in order to be installed onto the new inflation tube.

Step 5 :
1.Use the newly provided coolant hose and hose adapter to connect the two coolant ports previously connected to the EGR cooler. Secure the hose with the provided hose clamp.
2.Replace the manifold bolts with the provided vertical bolts.
Step 6 :
1.Install the bracket. The M10 bolt will be screwed into the support bolt. Secure the transmission dipstick to the bracket using 1/4-20 bolts, nuts, and washers.
2.The bracket will hold the coolant hose connector in place.